Scaling an Organization of PPC Experts
We find the business of Pay Per Click Marketing interesting from an economic standpoint, only to the extent it can be scaled. The demand for our pay per click management services is strong, but doing a proper job of managing Adwords (and particularly Yahoo and MSN) accounts is incredibly labor intensive and requires a large team of PPC Experts.
Return on our clients’ Ad Spending depends on a lot of technical, detailed, day to day decisions made within a framework for monitoring and continuously improving the performance of advertising accounts. So the key to building a successful Pay Per Click Marketing mammoth is to design the organization, at all levels, to provide exceptional client service.
The following blue print for success is written for the benefit of our PPC Experts.
Don’t Graze on Our Race Course
PPC Experts: Don’t miss deadlines. Prove yourself to be dependable. Don’t distinguish yourself adversely in terms of attendance and work ethics. Have a positive impact on those around you. Be generous with those having less experience. Make yourself inexpendable to the team. Be constructive. Be polite and considerate. Most of all, don’t lose a client! These are basic employee attributes; mess these up and you’re French Toast, in any position, on any continent, on any planet in the galaxy.
Reach Forward! If you’re not improving yourself, not striving daily to achieve the next level of expertise and productivity, then you’re taking up space which would be better utilized by someone more determined. This is an exciting moment, in an exciting industry. You are in the middle of a paradigm change which will transform advertising into an entirely new discipline. Get excited, or get off our race course.
All for One & One for All
There are no sub-teams within the overall team of PPC Experts. Every PPC Analyst must work with every PPC Associate and PPC Manager. Every PPC Associate must work with every PPC Analyst and PPC Manager. PPC Managers factor the Compass so as to ensure the optimal crossover among all levels of PPC staff. Compensation is linked to promotions. Promotions are linked to performance, not time. A PPC Associate has the power to significantly influence the career (or non-career) of a PPC Analyst (that means she can fire you); a PPC Manager has the power to significantly influence the career (or non-career) of a PPC Associate, or PPC Analyst (that means she recommends promotions . . . or can fire you).
PPC Experts: Positions & Roles
This posting empowers our PPC Professionals because it defines in detail the standard requirements which can lead to a promotion. Of course, PPC Experts can’t get raises unless they are promoted. So for some employees, it’s an important topic.
In our company, simply staying alive isn’t enough to earn a promotion (or raise). To get promoted, you’ll have to do an exceptional job. Read on to learn what that entails.
PPC Analysts
PPC Analysts are experts responsible for the thoughtful day to day maintenance of pay per click campaigns. They implement recommendations included in client reports, perform account analyses which provide the basis for future recommendations, and create the monthly custom PPC reports.
A successful PPC Analyst knows his or her accounts inside and out, thoroughly understands the technical aspects of how to manage Pay Per Click Advertising, and writes meticulously accurate and inspired PPC Reports with thoughtful analysis and ingenious recommendations. These are the basic duties, but do not fully describe a PPC Analyst’s responsibilities.
In addition to the above, a successful PPC Analyst must be able to facilitate the work of those around him or her. Don’t forget that you are at the bottom of the totem pole. Any work delegated by PPC Associates or PPC Managers becomes your responsibility. A successful PPC Analyst is twice as productive as a PPC Associate.
A successful PPC Analyst is a technically proficient expert, and proves this by passing the Adwords exam.
They ask intelligent, well thought out questions, and suggests a well-researched solution for each inquiry. A successful PPC Analyst studies the PPC Blog, and reads every client report issued by the company, as a means of developing ideas for improving the performance of clients’ PPC efforts.
A successful PPC Analyst lives, breathes, eats and sits Google Adwords. When you leave the office, you can’t wait to get home to your studying. When you awake, the only dreams you remember relate to account refactorings. For you, life is work, and work is life. Our success depends on you getting smarter. We’re all waiting on you. Go, go, go!!
If you’re a successful PPC Analyst, then you become a candidate for promotion to a PPC Associate. Promotions are based on evaluations. Raises are coincident with promotion. Evaluations for PPC Analysts are written by PPC Associates and PPC Managers.
PPC Associates
A PPC Associate is: an expert; a technical wizard; has passed the Google Adwords exam; and thoroughly understands the company’s policies and techniques, in detail, for managing PPC campaigns. A successful PPC Associate knows his or her accounts inside and out and thoroughly understands the technical aspects of how to manage Pay Per Click Advertising, including Adwords, Yahoo and MSN accounts. A successful PPC Associate writes meticulously accurate and inspired reports with thoughtful analysis and ingenious recommendations.
The day to day duties of a PPC Associate are similar to the basic day to day duties of a PPC Analyst, however, PPC Associates have added responsibilities.
A successful PPC Associate teaches, instructs, manages, and objectively evaluates the performance of PPC Analysts. PPC Associates are the primary source of energy and brain power for the entire team. Nobody works harder than a successful PPC Associate.
A successful PPC Associate can create a technically sound, thoroughly and expertly researched, perfectly executed PPC account from scratch. PPC Associates review the work of PPC Analysts, and take the heat for any mistakes which may slip by such review.
If you’re a successful PPC Associate, then you become a candidate for promotion to a PPC Manager. Promotions are based on evaluations. Raises are coincident with promotion. Evaluations for PPC Associates are written by PPC Managers.
PPC Managers
A PPC Manager is: an expert; a technical wizard; and a proficient supervisor. A successful PPC Manager orchestrates the PPC team’s activities to ensure compliance with deadlines. They write meticulously accurate and inspired reports with thoughtful, expert analysis and ingenious recommendations. A successful PPC Manager flawlessly delivers a final product, suitable for issuance directly to the client.
They instills clarity of thinking in those around her. A successful PPC Manager is patient beyond belief with those who are genuinely trying.
A successful PPC Manager takes a top-down approach to reviewing her client accounts, and protects each account against any wasteful spending.
PPC Managers represent the expert creative genius of the team and lead by example–they work harder than every other member of the PPC Team.
PPC Managers fairly allocate work among the team, review the performance of PPC Analysts and PPC Associates, and make careful and professionally responsible recommendations for promotions, on the basis provided herein.
A successful PPC Manager flawlessly delivers final expertly-prepared work on time.
A successful PPC Manager inspires those around her to reach higher, work harder, and improve themselves professionally.
Of course, a successful PPC Manager would not tolerate anyone grazing on our race course. Is the PPC expert next to you searching job boards or playing computer games during working hours? If you’re a PPC Manager, then it’s your responsibility to ensure that he doesn’t slow our pace.
If you’re a successful PPC Manager, then you become a candidate for promotion to a PPC Senior Manager. Promotions are based on evaluations. Raises are coincident with promotion. Evaluations for PPC Managers are written by Executive Management.
PPC Senior Managers
PPC Senior Managers manage client accounts and participate in profit sharing, act like owners, and are accountable. They work harder than any other people on the planet. They remain just barely expendable . . . we all are, you know . . . but for senior management, painfully so. PPC Senior Managers have a multiplicative effect on the Company’s ability to scale. If you’re not sure what that means, then maybe it’s time you paid another visit to the pyramids at Giza.