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Get your free PPC analysis started now. Text or call us at 877-584-3772
Posted on January 27, 2020

Increase Your PPC Conversions Today

Troy Stockinger
Troy Stockinger
Increase Your PPC Conversions Today
Troy Stockinger
Troy Stockinger
Posted on January 27, 2020

It’s true that PPC can play a serious role in getting you new leads, new customers, more money, and a loyal following.  So, why isn’t your pay per click campaign working? You’re probably not doing it right.

We’re going over some tips that will maximize your PPC strategy and get you more conversions starting today.

Create a compelling headline 

You have 90 characters to tell your target audience what you’re offering, so use them wisely.  A great headline will capture attention, while giving details. Your goal is to get your people to click on your ad, so talk to them specifically, after all, you know them and you know what they want.

Want some help?  Lucky for all of us, there are tools that will analyze your headline letting you know how it rates using several details: length, keywords, the words you’ve chosen- to name a few.  

Awesome details to have in your headline (when appropriate):

  • Your location
  • What you do
  • What you’re offering
  • A CTA

Create landing pages that make sense

Wanna really make your user mad?  Have them click on a compelling ad that promises to get them the info they’re looking for, but then send them to a page that’s hard to navigate, doesn’t provide the promised info, or necessitates more work on their part in order to get the promised info.

Where your user goes after they click is important.  Don’t let them down. Provide a landing page that makes sense with your ad.  Your users trust you to do this.  

Do you have landing pages that need differing segments?  Maybe you offer solutions for teachers, but also for in-home caregivers, nurses, special-need providers- whatever the case, if you have a landing page dedicated to each segment, that’s a big plus.  You’re offering each a personal touch and people love that, which means higher conversions.  

If you’ve created a killer ad and your landing page isn’t up to par, you’ve wasted time and money.  Optimize your landing page by following these simple steps:

  • Answer the question: what brought the user here?
  • Answer the question: what can I offer the user as a solution?
  • Create clear and simple pages with distinct CTAs
  • Use contrasting colors
  • Ad copy and landing page copy should be on par
  • A/B test landing pages for photos, headlines, copy

Offer relevant content

Keep in mind that users aren’t always looking to make a purchase, so you want to meet them where they are in the sales funnel.  Perhaps they’re just looking for information. That’s great because you’re an expert and can offer them what they’re looking for.  In doing so, you’ve started a relationship that will most likely turn into a sale.  

Get traffic to your site by offering excellent content to your users: podcasts, ebooks, tools.  People love that stuff. This allows people to get to know your brand, your personality, how relevant you are to them, etc.  

You can easily gain a following when you do this, and it’s a great way to get leads with a lead generation strategy by providing top-notch lead magnets.   

Target YOUR audience and provide proof of your greatness 

This is such an easy task, but often overlooked.  You’ve got to define your audience and optimize for them.  You know where your audience is and you know what they like, so go there and be appealing.  

The best headlines and the greatest landing pages don’t ensure a successful pay per click campaign.  Your audience wants you, so don’t find yourself in front of the wrong people.  You can set up your audience within your Facebook and Google settings, so do it.

And once you’re with the proper crowd, win them over with proof of how great your brand is.  Use reviews, star ratings, images, etc. on your landing pages and people will trust you. Everyone wants to feel that they’re in safe hands so if you have awards, certifications, work with big companies- let your audience know, credibility is key to your success.

And don’t forget about past customers!  You’ve got to remarket to those who’ve used you in the past.  Reconnect by giving them ads offering them exclusive VIP deals, make them feel important.  They’ll come back!  

Look at users who often come to your site and spend time reviewing your content or resources.  Clearly they think you’re valuable, they’re interested in your brand. Remarketing may just be that little push they need to go from looker to buyer.  

The takeaway 

PPC conversions can be a game-changer for your business, so stay on top of your campaign.  Knowing your audience is so important because it tells you what to say, what to offer, where to be… It’s more than testing and looking over data, it’s personal.  Make life easy for your target so they can find you and get what they want from you.  

If you’re in the market for some PPC intel, we’re here for you.  Contact us today and let’s chat.